

Contact us

Switchboard (general enquiries)

Phone: +44 (0)20 7636 8636
Fax: +44 (0)20 7436 5389

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Postal address

Keppel Street (main address)

London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Keppel Street
London WC1E 7HT
United Kingdom

Keppel Street location map and directions

Tavistock building

London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
15-17 Tavistock Place
Kings Cross
London WC1H 9SH
United Kingdom

Gambia unit

MRC Unit The Gambia at LSHTM
Atlantic Boulevard
PO Box 273
The Gambia

Uganda unit

MRC/UVRI and LSHTM Uganda Research Unit
PO Box 49
Plot 51-59 Nakiwogo Road

Useful contacts

Please note, we are a research and teaching institution. We cannot provide travel or medical advice.

Type of enquiryContact
Admissions enquiries


Please note that all admissions enquiries should be sent by email. There is currently no telephone service for admission nor course enquiries.

General study enquirieslshtm.ac.uk/study/contact
Scholarship enquiriesscholarships@lshtm.ac.uk
Student record enquiriesstudentrecords@lshtm.ac.uk
Tuition fees enquiriesfees@lshtm.ac.uk
Media enquiriespress@lshtm.ac.uk or +44 (0)207 927 2802
Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teachingcelt@lshtm.ac.uk
Communications & Engagement³¦´Ç³¾³¾²õ°ª±ô²õ³ó³Ù³¾.²¹³¦.³Ü°ì​ or +44 (0)20 7299 4670
Development and Alumni Relationsdevelopment@lshtm.ac.uk or alumni@lshtm.ac.uk
Emergency number+44 (0)20 7927 2555
Estatesestateshelpdesk@lshtm.ac.uk or +44 (0)20 7958 8160
Executive Officedirector@lshtm.ac.uk or +44 (0)20 7927 2278
Financefinance@lshtm.ac.uk or +44 (0)20 7927 2076
Health & Safetysafety@lshtm.ac.uk
Human Resourceshr@lshtm.ac.uk
IT Servicesservicedesk@lshtm.ac.uk or +44 (0)20 7927 2186 or
Library, Archive & Open Research Serviceslibrary@lshtm.ac.uk or +44 (0)20 7927 2276
Quality and Academic Standardsqualityteam@lshtm.ac.uk
Talent and Educational Developmentstaffdevelopment@lshtm.ac.uk or +44 (0)20 7927 2401/2374
Faculty of Epidemiology & Population Health+44 (0)20 7927 2482
Faculty of Infectious & Tropical Diseases+44 (0)20 7927 2912
Faculty of Public Health & Policy+44 (0)20 7927 2700
MRC Unit The Gambia at LSHTMinformation@mrc.gm or +220 (0) 4495835 / 4495443-6
MRC/UVRI and LSHTM Uganda Research Unitmrc@mrcuganda.org or +256 (0)417704000
Diagnostic Parasitology Laboratory and
PHE Malaria Reference Laboratory

Please check the update to service provision

dawn.britten@lshtm.ac.uk, debbie.nolder@lshtm.ac.uk, julie.tucker@lshtm.ac.uk, claire.rogers@lshtm.ac.uk