I'm a Research Fellow working on implementation research and evaluations of complex interventions. I'm particularly interested in using realist evaluation methods to examine the implementation and impacts of quality improvement interventions.
I've been with the School since 2014-15 when I came to do the MSc Demography & Health. Prior to that, I designed and taught a leadership and social change course at an international women's university in Chittagong, Bangladesh and spent several years working on political campaigns for U.S.-based reproductive rights advocacy organisations.
I'm the deputy module organiser for distance learning Evaluation of Public Health Interventions and teach on the Health Systems and Family Planning Programmes modules. I previously taught on Basic Epidemiology, Statistics for Epidemiology and Population Health (STEPH) and Analysing Survey and Population Data (ASPD).
I'm also a regular coach on the "Write your paper based on Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) data on reproductive and child health" short course at Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp.
Much of my research has examined the measurement and improvement of care coverage and quality in maternal health services, particularly in South Asia. I received the LSHTM Health and Hygiene Seed Grant 2023 and led an exploratory study in Nepal on maternity service hygiene infrastructure and facility design. I've also been involved in two MRC-funded evaluations of efforts to improve care during pregnancy in South and Southeast Asia. One was an implementation study in Nepal of an electronic decision support system (EDSS) to improve the quality of antenatal care in rural primary care facilities. I completed a part-time staff PhD on the process evaluation in Nepal, using mixed-method approaches to investigate implementation of the EDSS and its impact on clinical workflow and record-keeping. The second was a cluster randomised trial of continuous quality improvement to increase coverage of HIV, syphilis and Hepatitis B testing in pregnancy in Indonesia.
Previously I was part of the Maternal healthcare markets Evaluation Team (MET), a multidisciplinary group conducting research on the private sector's role in reproductive health care. I conducted analyses of Demographic & Health Survey data to study public and private sector provision of family planning and maternity care in low- and middle-income countries.
My current work is part of the Policy Research Unit in Policy Innovation and Evaluation (PIRU), where I use mixed-method approaches to evaluate UK public health interventions and the implementation of health services in England.
I'm a member of the Maternal and Newborn Health Group (MNHG).