
series event

Antibiotics as care: health facility-based

This is the first panel in a five-part online series hosted by the Antimicrobials in Society (AMIS) team and will focus on Antibiotics as Care: health facility based. It will bring together key insights from recent social research studies into the questions of why antibiotics are being used in the ways that they are in health facility-based settings and what social researchers propose should be done to address this, with a short- and medium-term horizon.  

The four Thematic Panels will bring together social researchers to present and discuss their key findings and implications for policy and practice. Each of the panels will group together different lead individuals from recent research projects under four themes. Our vision is to bring together a set of implications that will be formulated into a short multi-authored report, to be discussed with a wider audience at a fifth and final event in February 2021.  

This panel will consist of presentations by our four panellists and will be followed a chaired discussion about implications. For more information on the future panel events, please visit



, University of Sydney

, University of Loughborough

, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

, Imperial College London


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