
series event

Cardiovascular Disease in Russia

Russia has the highest mortality from cardiovascular disease in the world. This project aims to identify key reasons for this very high public health burden which will help inform the development of strategies to improve the situation. A series of detailed studies compare the cardiovascular system of a large sample of the Russian population with that in Norway and other Western countries. It brings together for the first time available high quality data from epidemiological studies in Russia to generate the most authoritative summary of cardiovascular risk factors levels in Russia. Comparative studies of the validity of cause of death in Russia and Norway are also conducted as well as a systematic investigation of the potential contribution of access to and standards of treatment.

This seminar will describe the study overall with particular focus on two ongoing cross-sectional studies in the Russian cities of Arkhangelsk and Novosibirsk.

Biography of the speaker: 

A video of the seminar is available .