
series event

Unraveling the complexity of reproductive experiences in the UK and eastern Europe

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Human reproduction is a social and health process that is becoming increasingly complex in contemporary societies. Addressing this complexity requires a multidimensional perspective which considers a wide range of reproductive experiences as well as the social and biological context shaping them. In this talk, the speaker will investigate the social and biological factors that influence various reproductive experiences, and their repercussions on health and life course outcomes. They will provide evidence from both the UK and Eastern European contexts, examining a range of reproductive events including abortion, pregnancy loss, teenage pregnancy, and infertility.



Selin K枚ksal has recently joined the Population Studies Group at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine as an assistant professor in demography. She is a quantitative social demographer interested in fertility and reproductive health. Her current research is focused on uncovering the causes and consequences of diverse reproductive experiences, including pregnancy loss, abortion and teenage fertility.

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Free and open to all. No registration required.

