In line with governance good practice and the Committee of University Chairs' (CUC) Higher Education Code of Governance, which recommends higher education institutions carry out regular effectiveness reviews with external assistance, LSHTM’s governing body, Council, periodically commissions reviews to ensure that the institution’s governance processes are appropriate, robust and fit for purpose.
In the most recent review in 2023, the independent concluded that LSHTM is a well-governed and transparent institution, which is classified as "good" on the Halpin Governance Maturity Framework. According to the report, LSHTM demonstrated some activities and behaviours which are "leading-edge".
The report also found areas where improvements can be made. Priority recommendations from the review were:
- to improve governance and oversight arrangements covering LSHTM's MRC Units in Uganda and The Gambia; and
- to improve the Council's understanding and oversight of academic decision-making and governance.
A Governance Effectiveness Review steering group is overseeing work to address the report's recommendations.
The latest governance effectiveness report can be found below.