
series event

​â¶Ä‹Addressing Climate Change and Primary Health Care

Image with words related to climate change

​â¶Ä‹To achieve good health and wellbeing we must address Climate Change. Primary health care is in a unique position to promote knowledge about, and behaviour change to, tackle climate change to improve both individual and planetary health. Primary Care also needs to do more to support the shift to net zero by integrating sustainability into practice.

​In this seminar, the Primary Health Care Interest Group have collaborated with to examine the different roles primary health care can and should play to protect the health of patients, communities and the planet.

​Learn more about and watch back previous sessions run by LSHTM’s Primary Health Care Interest Group.


​â¶Ä‹Andrew Haines, LSHTM

Andrew Haines is a former GP and current Professor of Environmental Change and Public Health. Andy is a leader in planetary health and has been working to advance understanding of the impacts of environment change the actions needed to protect health for over 30 years.

, Institute of Public Health

Upasona Ghosh is an Assistant Professor at Indian Institute of Public Health, Bhubaneswar. She is a social anthropologist working in the field of public health and climate change.

​â¶Ä‹, WONCA

Sankha Randenikumara is a family doctor from Sri Lanka and the chair-elect of the WONCA Working Party on Planetary Health. He has been instrumental in leading many of the WONCA’s planetary health initiatives within last 8 years. 


Heather Adair-Rohani leads the WHO's work on energy and health. She has led the establishment of the Health and Energy Platform of Action, and the High-level Coalition on Health and Energy. Heather co-led the coordination and development of the WHO guidelines for indoor air quality: household fuel combustion and is currently overseeing the work to support countries in the implementation of these Guidelines through the Clean Household Energy Solutions Toolkit.




Event notices

  • Please note that the recording link will be listed on this page when available.



Free and open to all. No registration required.