
series event

Crises seminar: EmpowerHack Health LDN debrief 29 June 2016

Abstract: According to the UNHCR, over 59.5 million people have been forcibly displaced worldwide, of which over half are women and children. This mass movement of at-risk populations presents an enormous challenge: both to health care workers and health systems alike. Alongside the work of INGOs and academic institutions, a group of tech-savvy volunteers has come together to build digital solutions focused on the vulnerabilities and risks faced by female refugees.  hosted a health-focused hackathon in London, over the 8-10 April weekend at Newspeak House. There were over 70 participants with a diverse knowledge base and seven prototypes were developed aiming to address expressed health challenges put forward by EmpowerHack’s partner NGOs in the field. Join us for an evening where the LSHTM MSc students involved will present the prototypes and host an open discussion of the potential of e-health solutions for user testing, evidence gathering and deployment across different humanitarian crises.

External visitors will be greeted at the LSHTM reception and directed to the seminar room shortly before the talk begins. An audio recording of the talk will be posted on the Crises group website after the seminar.



For more information, contact Charlotte.Seeley-Musgrave1@student.lshtm.ac.uk