
series event

Data for targeted malaria control interventions - are we there yet?

Prioritising interventions is central for malaria endemic countries that aim to dramatically reduce their malaria burden with limited resources. Without international standards and guidelines, National Malaria Control Programmes (NMCPs) depend on national level availability, accessibility and capacity to use data to choose among available options. This symposium will discuss key challenges that NMCPs face in the use of data for decision-making and rationalisation of resources while ensuring effective malaria control.

Over the last four years, LINK, in collaboration with WHO AFRO, supported NMCPs to efficiently use malaria data for decision-making: LINK compiled existing malaria data, generated spatio-temporal maps and supported programmatic interpretation of these maps. The in-depth evaluation and political economy work of LINK focused on challenges to data use and the underlying pathways of decision-making. These results will be presented alongside potential methods, such as Health Technology Assessments, to discuss the future of malaria programming and answer the question 鈥淒ata for targeted malaria control interventions - are we there yet?鈥







13.30 鈥 13.40

Welcome and opening

David Schellenberg

WHO Global Malaria Programme

13.40 鈥 14.00

LINK Programme 鈥 Better decisions for malaria control

Carrie Lynch


14.00 鈥 14.10

Mapping and targeting 鈥 help and hindrance of mapping

Emelda Okiro

KEMRI Wellcome Trust Research Programme

14.10 鈥 14.30

Challenges to using evidence to target interventions. LINK evaluation results

Jayne Webster


14.30 鈥 14.40



14.40 鈥 15.00

Processes used in decision-making NMCP Uganda - prioritisation, rationalisation and targeting

Dr Damien Rutazaana

National Malaria Control Programme, Uganda

15.00 鈥 15.20

Targeting/stratifying/prioritising interventions 鈥 other perspectives

Kate Kolaczinski,

Global Fund

15.20 鈥 15.40

Targeting interventions 鈥揌ealth Technology Assessments in the context of malaria control

Francis Ruiz

Imperial College

15.40 鈥 16.00

Political Economy of using data for decision-making in malaria control

Justin Parkhurst

London School of Economics

16.00 鈥 16.10



16.10 鈥 17.00

Panel Discussion: Moving forward, towards improving decisions for malaria control at national levels


Ritha Njau

WHO Tanzania





Find out more:

Web:                      Twitter: @LINK_LSHTM                     Email: LINK@lshtm.ac.uk


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Free and open to all but registration via Eventbrite is REQUIRED
