Dr Jogesh Jain lecture: Inequity within Inequity - understanding the challenges of inequity in healthcare within low income countries
Gainsford Lecture, Weston Education Centre, IoPPN
Dr Jogesh Jain lecture: Inequity within Inequity - understanding the challenges of inequity in healthcare within low income countries.
Dr Jain will follow his lecture with an extended Q&A session.
Dr. Jain will use his experience of setting up, running and defending a charitable organization providing healthcare to the tribal India to show how inequity plays out at the level of global policies, national policy in India, and in practice of health care programmes more locally 鈥 and in the end how this leads to structural denial of health care to the poorest. He will exemplify this using several examples of well intentioned health programs that failed to deliver. And then show some successful ways of addressing inequity in health care through actual service provision, through training and through advocacy.