
series event

The elimination of cervical cancer should not be a dream but critical basic elements are still needed

Photo of woman

Recently WHO has launched a call to eliminate cervical cancer globally during this century. The joint impact of HPV vaccines and adequate cervical cancer screening and treatment are the pillars for this announcement. The reality is, however, surprisingly behind. Less that 15% of women in LMIC have ever had a screening test and still the majority of girls in the world have not yet been vaccinated. Further, many women living with HIV in low and middle income countries (LMIC) are not receiving an optimal screening approach. Limiting screening to 1 or 2 visits lifetime requires a highly accurate approaches still largely unavailable. Recent scientific developments on the impact of HPV type specific infections and on the use of artificial intelligence based methods to evaluate cervical images in the screening setting open new realistic venues.


Dr Silvia de Sanjosé, MD and PhD from LSHTM, is a senior Consultant at the US National Cancer Institute (NCI) and at the NGO PATH in Seattle, US, Board member and former President of the International Papillomavirus Society (IPVS) and former CERP Director (Cancer Epidemiology Research Program at ICO) in Barcelona, Spain. She has nearly 30 years of expertise in epidemiological studies including large international projects involving HPV genotyping, introduction of HPV based screening in HIC and LMIC and assessing the impact and efficacy of HPV vaccines. She focusses her research now on the improvement cervical cancer prevention in LMIC through the use of HPV detection, cervical imaging and AI approaches.


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