
series event

The Emergence of Global Mental Health - Call for Workshop Participation

Call for Workshop Participation for The Emergence of Global Mental Health at King’s College London, April 28th 2016, 9am – 5pm

This one-day, participatory workshop, held by the Department of Social Science, Health and Medicine at KCL, which aims to bring together scholars of medical anthropology, sociology of knowledge, history of psychiatry, global health history, critical public health, and the GMH and NGO community to explore the following questions: How is 'mental health' as an object of knowledge and global intervention construed, operationalized, and governed? How are the recipents of such intervention made up in new ways? What new networks of actors are emerging in different fields of mental health intervention and care? What are the historical lineages in policy and practice converging in GMH? 
We invite contributions to the following topics (but are open to other suggestions presenters may have):

  • Ethnographic case studies of GMH interventions;
  • Disclosure analysis of the GMH agenda and policy recommendations;
  • Reflections on the history of psychiatric epidemiology and health metrics;
  • Reflections on GMH vis-a-vis international mental health and colonial psychiatry

Format: In the interests of a vivid discussion among all participants the centre piece of the event, the Department of Social Science, Health and Medicine are proposing a participatory format: They ask participants to prepare a 5 min 'lightening talk' on their topic, using a maximum of two power point slides. The Department of Social Science, Health and Medicine would also like to assign commentators for each talk, who will give a brief (2 mins) reflection on one of the talks, before it is opened up to the general discussion.

If you are interested in participating in this workshop, please send a 200 word abstract with your name andaffiliation by March 17th 2016, to doerte.bemme@mail.mcgill.ca or hanna.kienzler@kcl.ac.uk