
series event

EPA Section of Epidemiology and Social Psychiatry

It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the 18th meeting of the Section of Epidemiology and Social Psychiatry of the European Psychiatric Association (EPA) – Social Psychiatry and Epidemiology in a changing world in Gothenburg, Sweden 30th November - 3rd December 2016. Psychiatric epidemiology and social psychiatry are the foundation for knowledge on disease burden and etiology, prevention, mental health service and treatment planning. The meeting will cover a wide array of themes within social psychiatry, psychiatric epidemiology and mental health. Plenary lectures will be combined with parallel sessions presenting innovative research, symposia, debates and pre-conference courses focusing on methodology.

Please check the congress website () for further details and contact epagot2016@meetx.se if you wish to receive conference updates and/or more specific information.

Symposium proposals are currently being welcomed. If you have any suggestions, please email a brief description to robert.stewart@kcl.ac.uk and Ingmar.Skoog@neuro.gu.se by the end of March.

Important Dates:

Opening of registration and abstract submission: March 15, 2016
Opening for symposium suggestions: March 15, 2016
Deadline for abstract submission: August 15, 2016
Deadline for symposium suggestions: June 15, 2016
Notification of abstract acceptance/rejection: end of August, 2016
Deadline for early registration fee: September 1, 2016
Congress dates: November 30-December 3, 2016