
series event

Estimating transmission intensity from age-stratified case and serological data

Dr Hannah Clapham

The use of age-stratified case and serological data to understand past transmission of infectious diseases has a long history. In this presentation Hannah will discuss three applications of this from the work of her research group. The first is work on estimating Japanese Encephalitis burden at the national and sub-national scale and vaccination impact in South East Asia using age stratified case data. The second is work on estimating dengue transmission intensity and population immunity using age stratified serological data and how to evaluate possible vaccination strategies in Vietnam. Finally Hannah will discuss more generally methods for estimating transmission intensity from age stratified serological for a variety of pathogens.


Dr Hannah Clapham is a mathematical epidemiologist researching infectious disease transmission. Particular interest in vector-borne diseases, such as dengue, and vaccine preventable diseases. 


This session will be live-streamed and recorded - accessible to both internal and external audience


Open to all, seats available on first come, first served basis.

