
series event

Global food 2050: How can we deliver the climate resilient, sustainable and healthy diets of the future?

This event will explore climate and health solutions that deliver a ‘farm to mouth’ food system that benefits human health, reduce environmental impacts and is resilient to ongoing climate change. Using the framing of ‘looking back from the future’ (2050), it will bring a range of unique civil society voices into the blue zone, offering diverse perspectives on the issues from around the world. 

The session will open with keynote presentations from experts, providing an overview of the science and solutions for healthy, sustainable and climate-resilient food systems. After an audience Q&A and screening of youth advocacy videos, the event will continue with a panel representing diverse civil society experience and expertise. Responding to questions from the audience as well one another, we will hear different perspectives on future food and diets, with practical approaches to achieving climate robust, healthy diets. This webinar will be moderated by  from the Wellcome Trust.  

Key messages to be communicated: 

  • The pursuit of zero-carbon and climate-resilient food systems can deliver healthy diets that significantly reduce premature deaths worldwide.  
  • Food systems produce between 20–35% of global emissions; and climate change is directly impacting global food production, threatening food security for millions of people around the world.  
  • Modern diets affect health across all countries and are the leading driver of non-communicable diseases worldwide, including undernutrition, obesity, heart attack, stroke and diabetes. 

This event is jointly organised by LSHTM Centre on Climate Change and Planetary Health,  and . 


  • Professor Alan Dangour, LSHTM  
    • Who’s going to be eating what in 2050? 
  • , Public Health Foundation of India  
    • The Global Syndemic of obesity, undernutrition and climate change 
  • , Global Alliance for the Future of Food  
    • Nationally Determined Contributions Assessment Framework for Food Systems Transformation 
  • Mohamed Eissa, International Federation of Medical Students Associations
    • Health and food justice
  • Ana Paula Bortoletto, Instituto Brasileiro de Defesa do Consumidor (Brazilian Institute of Consumer Protection) 
    • Brazil Consumer focused approach


Follow webinar link. Free and open to all. No registration required.

