series event
LSHTM's STI Research Interest Group (STIRIG) launch
Missed the launch? Listen to the recordings below!
- , Professor Baron Peter Piot, Director of LSHTM
- , Dr Teodora Wi, Medical Officer, Human Reproduction, World Health Organisation
- , Professor David Mabey, Professor of Communicable Diseases, ITD, LSHTM
- , Vicky Miari, Principal Scientific Officer & Clinical Scientist, ITD, LSHTM
- , Dr Emma Wilson, EPH, LSHTM
- Prevalence of STIs among gay men and other men who have sex with men in Nairobi and Johannesburg and approaches to reaching men for sexual health promotion, Dr Elizabeth Fearon, Assistant Professor, PHP, LSHTM
- Safetxt: A randomised controlled trial of the effect of a mobile phone based safer sex intervention on Chlamydia and gonorrhea infection over 12 months among 6250 people aged 16-24 in the UK, Professor Caroline Free, Professor of Primary Care and Epidemiology, EPH, LSHTM
- , Dr Emma Harding-Esch, Associate Professor, ITD, LSHTM
Free and open to all - registration required