
series event

Nutrition and Disability: a neglected relationship?

Nutrition and Disability: a neglected relationship?

Research from Ghana and Kenya and panel discussion.

A Joint MARCH and ICED seminar.

About the Seminar:

This seminar explores the linkages between disability and nutrition for children with disabilities. Dr Hannah Kuper will present findings from a case control study in Turkana Kenya. Maria Zuurmond will present the nutritional baseline findings, both qualitative and quantitative, from a Study in Ghana which aims to empower parents of children with cerebral palsy. Dr Marko Kerac will join the panel discussion to contribute his extensive experience working in Malawi.

About the speakers:

  • Hannah is co-director of the International Centre for Evidence in Disability.
  • Maria is a Research Fellow whose work focuses on qualitative research with children and young people.
  • Marko is a clinical lecturer in public health nutrition at LSHTM. He became interested in disability and nutrition whilst working as a paediatrician in the UK and Malawi. His current work focuses on severe malnutrition in young infants and adolescents


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