
series event

Planetary Health Watch

Planetary Health Watch


We live in a new geological epoch – the Anthropocene – characterised by substantial impact of human activity on the Earth’s systems. Transgression of planetary boundaries of these systems pose major but imperfectly understood risks to human health and well-being as well as future development. Recent advances in computational, information and communication technologies have created the conditions for a revolution in global-scale planetary monitoring and early warning that can facilitate evidence-informed responses to threats posed by the transgression of planetary boundaries.

The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and World Resources Institute with support from the Wellcome Trust are hosting a webinar on designing a Planetary Health Watch – a system aimed at integrated monitoring of factors relating to the health impacts of environmental change, the drivers of change, and policy responses to protect health. The aim of the webinar is to introduce the Planetary Health Watch and get feedback on its vision, scope, opportunities, approach as well as the key design questions that should be addressed in the workshop and any further activities.



  • Experts on the links of global environmental changes and human health
  • Representatives of existing relevant monitoring initiatives
  • Potential users of the Planetary Health Watch


