
series event

Public Health History Walk – Gin Lane and Beer Street: public health in Hogarth’s London

Poverty was rife in 18th century London. In 1751, William Hogarth made two engravings in support of attempts to curb heavy drinking by the poor, who could get “drunk for a penny or dead drunk for tuppence.” Gin Lane, set in the St. Giles slum area, showed the consequences of vice, particularly addiction to home-made gin, while Beer Street showed the benefits of a more moderate life style. St. Giles is very different today but on our walk, we shall trace the story of its church, plagues, prostitution and the Gin Act – as well as hearing anecdotes about Hogarth and his contemporaries and how they influenced public health.  Do join us for an exhilarating early evening tour, which will end in easy reach of Holborn tube station.

Wednesday, 7th June 2017:  5.15pm. End: 7.00pm.  Meet in foyer of LSHTM, Keppel Street Building

Free to attend please  to secure your place!

Funded by the Wellcome Trust