
series event

UK-China vaccine symposium: evidence to inform policy

The UK-China vaccine symposium: evidence to inform policy, organised under the auspices of the Vaccine Centre, will highlight cutting edge policy-relevant vaccine research in both the UK and China. This symposium will take place on Friday 7th June 2019 in the Manson Theatre at Keppel Street 9 am-1 pm. 

As part of a NIHR funded grant led by Prof Mark Jit and Prof Hongjie Yu (Fudan University), we have a delegation of senior public health policy makers and researchers visiting from China to exchange ideas and build relations with LSHTM.

Confirmed speakers include Prof Anne Mills (LSHTM), Prof Mark Jit (LSHTM), , Prof Beate Kampmann (LSHTM), Prof John Edmunds (LSHTM), and senior members of China CDC.


09.00 – 09.20              Prof Anne Mills: (Professor of Health Economics & Policy at LSHTM): Welcome of participants


9.20 – 9.40                  Chair: Prof Beate Kampmann (Director of the Vaccine Centre at LSHTM),  Prof Mark Jit (Professor of vaccine epidemiology at LSHTM), Dr Tracey Chantler (Research fellow at LSHTM) and Prof Hongjie Yu (Professor at Fudan University): EPIC work and collaboration


9.40 – 10.00                Prof Beate Kampmann (Director of the Vaccine Centre at LSHTM): Overview of Vaccine Centre work


10.00 – 10.20              Prof John Edmunds (Professor at LSHTM): how LSHTM modelling affects immunisation guidelines


10.20 – 10.40              Prof Zhujun Shao (Researcher at China CDC): Study on molecular epidemiology of Neisseria meningitidis in China


10.40 – 11.00              Dr Chao Ma (Researcher at China CDC): Studies in optimizing measles & rubella elimination strategy in China


11.00 – 11.30              Break


11.30 – 11.50              Jo Yarwood (Immunisation Programme Manager at PHE): challenges to implementing the national immunisation programme in the UK


11.50 – 12.10              Dr Zhijie An (Researcher at China CDC): Immunization strategy of polio during end-game period in China


12.10 – 12.30              Panel discussion (12.10-12.30) Chair: Prof Mark Jit, Panellists: TBC


12.30 – 13.00              Rapid fire-talk session: Dr Rebecca Harris, Fiona Sun, Dr Yang Liu


13.00                           Closing speech


Some of the session will be recorded and will be available to watch on the below link.

UK-China Vaccine Symposium - logo


Open to all, seats available on first come, first served basis.

