
series event

Using routinely collected data to better understand TB in Ukraine and South Africa

Teal slide with 'TB Centre Event' in white writing

Helen Jenkins will present three pieces of work that all use routinely collected tuberculosis data: 1) assessing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on TB notifications in Ukraine and the implications for the current Russian war, 2) estimating of the risk of recurrence and rifampicin resistance for individuals that have received less than 6 months of TB treatment in Ukraine, 3) risk factors and timing of TB recurrence in South Africa.  


, Boston University

Helen is an Associate Professor at Boston University School of Public Health and has a PhD in Infectious Disease Epidemiology from Imperial College, London and an MSc in Medical Statistics from LSHTM. Helen has carried out research on tuberculosis for 13 years and currently has active collaborations in South Africa, Ukraine, and Peru. She is interested in pediatric TB, spatial epidemiology, and how we can use routinely-collected data sources to learn more about the epidemiology of TB.


Free and open to all, online and in person. No registration required. A recording of this session will be available after the event on this page.


graphic of lungs, and words 'TB Centre'