
series event

Violence, HIV and Sex Work

A woman staring out of the window

Women who sell sex are at elevated risk of the dual epidemics of violence and HIV. This talk will discuss why addressing violence against female sex workers (FSWs) is important, how violence against FSWs increases their risk of HIV acquisition, and what can be done to prevent violence against FSWs as part of HIV prevention programming. 


Dr Tara Beattie is a social epidemiologist who has been conducting research with female sex workers in low- and middle-income countries for eighteen years. She is particularly interested in the structural and social determinants of HIV risk and disease progression, and how these relate to molecular changes in the female genital tract.   


Hashtags: #16Days #GBV+HIV

Twitter handles: @lshtm_gvhc @giulipsy



This session will be live-streamed and recorded - accessible to both internal and external audience



Open to all, seats available on first come, first served basis.


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