
series event

Workshop 'Family Support Groups in Diverse Settings' - Call for abstracts

A one-day workshop on “Family Support Groups in Diverse Settings” which will be held at King’s College London on May 10th, 2017

The idea behind the workshop is to explore how family support groups work in different social, cultural and international settings; the ways in which they have been tailored to meet the needs of diverse groups; and what their strengths and weaknesses are in complex contexts. 

The workshop will have an interactive format consisting of 10-15 minute presentations and related discussions, round tables and practical exercises during which new family support techniques will be introduced and reflected upon. We are pleased to say that the workshop will include a keynote address by Dr Eia Asen, a pioneer in the field of Multi-Family Therapy.

If you are interested in presenting in this workshop, please send a 200 word abstract with your name and affiliation by 5th April 2017, to hanna.kienzler@kcl.ac.uk

Please see the for additional information.



If you are interested in presenting in this workshop, please send a 200 word abstract with your name and affiliation by 5th April 2017, to hanna.kienzler@kcl.ac.uk