
series event

World Hearing Day

A participant in a population-based hearing survey in a low-income country has her hearing tested
Introduction to the Public Health Approach to Ear and Hearing Care

To mark World Hearing Day 2021, the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) International Centre for Evidence in Disability (ICED) is inviting you to learn why and how the public health approach should be used to address ear and hearing care, particularly in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) through two recorded presentations.

Burden of Otits Media
Surgery to repair a perforated ear drum in Nepal

The first recorded session presented by Professor Andrew Smith explores the public health approach to ear and hearing care. The second recorded session presented by Dr Robin Youngs, explores the burden of Otitis Media and will cover chronic ear infections from both medical and public health perspectives.

The presentations are based on a short course on ‘Public Health Planning for Hearing Impairment’ run by the ICED at LSHTM, in collaboration with centres in LMICs. This learning event is aimed towards health workers and planners interested in and/or working in the ear and hearing care in LMICs. 



Professor Andrew Smith is an Honorary Professor at the LSHTM ICED since 2008. His main interest is public health approaches to the prevention of hearing loss. With a colleague, he developed and teaches short courses on Public Health Planning for Hearing Impairment in centres in low and middle-income countries. He was responsible for the Programme for Prevention of Hearing Loss, WHO, Geneva, 1996-2008. He has conducted surveys and intervention studies on hearing impairment in various low and middle-income countries.

Dr Robin Youngs is an Honorary Associate Professor, LSHTM ICED since 2019. He is also a consultant ENT surgeon based in West Suffolk, UK. He has been involved in global ENT initiatives for 25 years, particularly with NGO’s in Nepal and Myanmar. He established and led the Global Health Committee for ENTUK. He is a Past President of the Otology Section of The Royal Society of Medicine and Emeritus Editor of The Journal of Laryngology and Otology. 


Watch the recorded sessions: 




Please note this is not a live webinar. The links to the recorded presentations are available below.
