

About us

The team

CMMID Science Day - June 2022

CMMID Science Day - June 2022

The Centre for the Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases (CMMID) is a multidisciplinary grouping of more than 150 epidemiologists, mathematicians, economists, statisticians and clinicians from across all faculties of the LSHTM. 

Our research focuses on understanding and predicting the epidemiology of infectious diseases so that more effective control programmes can be devised. CMMID is structured into multiple research themes in which researchers are developing and applying mathematical models to a range of infections including HIV, HPV and other sexually transmitted infections, tuberculosis, hepatitis C, influenza, rotavirus, measles, varicella, pneumococci, Hib, malaria, Ebola, SARS-CoV-2 and sleeping sickness.

More fundamental research includes developing methods to measure underlying contact patterns, sampling hard-to-reach populations (such as drug users or internally displaced people), efficiently fitting complex mathematical models to data, and the integration of epidemiological models with economic analyses.

CMMID is actively engaged in developing links with other (modelling) groups; members of the CMMID include mathematical modellers working at Public Health England (formerly the HPA) and the Royal Veterinary College.


Dr Kathleen O'Reilly

Kathleen O'Reilly

Associate Professor

Prof Sebastian Funk

Sebastian Funk

Professor of Vaccine Epidemiology

Management Team

Dr Rein Houben

Rein Houben

Associate Professor in Infectious Disease Epidemiology

Dr Oliver Brady

Oliver Brady

Associate Professor

Dr Yang Liu

Yang Liu

Assistant Professor

Seminar organisers

Dr Simon Procter

Simon Procter

Research Fellow

Kevin Van Zandvoort

Research Fellow

ECR co-ordinators

Mr Hikaru Bolt

Hikaru Bolt

Research Degree Student

David Hodgson

Research Fellow

Han Fu, LSHTM Reserach Fellow

Han Fu

Research Fellow

Steering committee

Graham Medley


Prof Adam Kucharski

Adam Kucharski

EPH representative

Beate Kampmann

ITD representative

Prof Catherine Goodman

Catherine Goodman

PHP representative

Matthew Cotton

MRC Unit representative

Julia Gog

External expert

James Nokes

External expert

Maria Van Kerkhove

External expert