



To improve the health of populations affected by humanitarian crises. 


To advance health and health equity in crises-affected countries through research, education, and translation of knowledge into policy and practice.

With over 200 members across LSHTM working across more than 140 projects and keen student volunteers, the Crisis Centre provides:

  • interdisciplinary research around many aspects of health in humanitarian crises
  • identify LSHTM experts for field deployment and technical support, including through formal networks such as GOARN
  • pathways for LSHTM students to get involved in humanitarian crises research
  • a voice for LSHTM on humanitarian crisis issues through proactive media engagement

Outreach, engagement, and training by the Crisis Centre includes:

  • supporting the development of teaching on health and crises through face-to-face, online modules and short courses
  • strengthening public engagement and communication of research findings through webinars & events open to the general public

Our commitment to decolonising our work

With this charter and the accompanying implementation guidance, all members of the Health in Humanitarian Crises Centre commit to decolonising our research, teaching and wider Centre partnerships. It presents the core principles and commitments which underpin these efforts. For more information on the ongoing research and activities please see our research page