
Child with developmental delay. Credit CBM.
PENDA logo - People Knowledge Tools

We're supporting a major new project aiming to improve the wellbeing of people with disabilities in low and middle-income countries.

Read about the PENDA project

Our mission is to provide evidence to improve the health and wellbeing of people with disabilities globally. We develop tools, techniques and evidence on disability, leading to scalable interventions that can improve people's lives across the world.

Photo credit: 漏 CBM

Study with ICED

Study with ICED

Study with ICED

Our teaching programme includes a PhD programme, MSc module and individual lectures about disability. We also run a free online course on Global Health and Disability.

Photo credit: 漏 CBM/Foto Backofen Mhm

Find out about studying here
ICED -  read our research

ICED - read our research

Read our research

Read reports from our research into disability across the globe.

Photo credit: 漏 CBM

Read our research reports


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Ubuntu is a non-profit research and education hub based in ICED. Find out more about Getting to Know cerebral palsy, Early Intervention Programme and Juntos.

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