

Research governance

Research governance ensures the delivery of high quality research. It is defined as the broad range of regulations, principles and standards of good practice that exist to achieve, and continuously improve, research quality across all aspects of healthcare worldwide. 

Research governance helps to improve research and safeguard the public by:  

  • Protecting participants in research
  • Protecting researchers/investigators
  • Assessing risks and managing them
  • Assuring compliance to regulations, guidelines and standards
  • Enhancing ethical and scientific quality
  • Promoting good practice   

LSHTM is committed to providing a research environment that develops good research practice and nurtures a culture of research integrity. All research conducted by LSHTM staff and students must comply with the Good Research Practice Policy, which has been developed in accordance with national guidance including: the Concordat to Support Research Integrity from Universities UK, Research Councils UK and the UK Research Integrity Office. As part of LSHTM’s continuous commitment to establishing a culture of integrity, we have become a participant of the UN Global Compact, committing to the United Nations Principles in the fields of Human Rights, fair Labour, Environment and Anti-Corruption practices.


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