


Data scientist analysing information

Browse a collection of academic publications and research papers, contributed to by personnel from the Unit.

Abeku, TA; Helinski, ME H; KIRBY, MJ; Kefyalew, T; Awano, T; Batisso, E; Tesfaye, G; Ssekitooleko, J; Nicholas, S; Erdmanis, L; NALWOGA, A; Bass, C; COSE, S; Assefa, A; Kebede, Z; Habte, T; Katamba, V; Nuwa, A; Bakeera-Ssali, S; Akiror, SC; Kyomuhangi, I; Tekalegne, A; Magumba, G; Meek, SR;
Malaria journal, (2015).14 1
Hope: a new approach to understanding structural factors in HIV acquisition.
BARNETT, T; SEELEY, J; Levin, J; Katongole, J;
Global Public Health, (2015).10 4
Asiki, G; Murphy, GA V; BAISLEY, K; Nsubuga, RN; Karabarinde, A; NEWTON, R; SEELEY, J; Young, EH; Kamali, A; Sandhu, MS;
PLoS One, (2015).10 5
Negin, J; Geddes, L; Brennan-Ing, M; KUTEESA, M; Karpiak, S; SEELEY, J;
Archives of sexual behavior, (2015).45 2
Asiki, G; Murphy, GA V; BAISLEY, K; Nsubuga, RN; Karabarinde, A; NEWTON, R; SEELEY, J; Young, EH; Kamali, A; Sandhu, MS;
PloS one, (2015).10 5
HARGREAVES, JR; Stangl, A; Bond, V; Hoddinott, G; Krishnaratne, S; Mathema, H; Moyo, M; Viljoen, L; Brady, L; Sievwright, K; Horn, L; SABAPATHY, K; Ayles, H; Beyers, N; Bock, P; Fidler, S; Griffith, S; SEELEY, J; HAYES, R;
Sexually Transmitted Infections, (2015).91 Suppl 2
Omosa-Manyonyi, G; Mpendo, J; RUZAGIRA, E; Kilembe, W; Chomba, E; Roman, F; Bourguignon, P; Koutsoukos, M; Collard, A; Voss, G; Laufer, D; Stevens, G; Hayes, P; Clark, L; Cormier, E; Dally, L; Barin, B; Ackland, J; Syvertsen, K; Zachariah, D; Anas, K; Sayeed, E; Lombardo, A; Gilmour, J; Cox, J; ... Priddy, F.
PloS one, (2015).10 5
Ford, D; Robins, JM; Petersen, ML; Gibb, DM; Gilks, CF; Mugyenyi, P; GROSSKURTH, H; Hakim, J; Katabira, E; Babiker, AG; Walker, AS; DART Trial Team,;
American journal of epidemiology, (2015).182 7
Opoka, RO; Kiguli, S; SSEMATA, AS; Govaerts, M; Driessen, EW;
Advances in medical education and practice, (2015).6,
Schatz, E; SEELEY, J;
Global public health, (2015).10 10