


MRC The Gambia Research training

The Research Training & Career Development Department (RTCD) has the responsibility for facilitating and supporting training and capacity building for the acquisition of skills and knowledge needed for the production of quality scientific research.

The strategic approach to achieving this goal focuses on retention, technical and research support competency, research leadership development and creating partnerships with relevant institutions.

The department is headed by Professor Assan Jaye, who works with a a four person team: Staff Development Manager; Staff Development Coordinator; Staff Training Officer and Administrative Assistant.


Nurturing talent through transformational, professional and personal development so as to deliver the mission of the Medical Research Council Unit The Gambia at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.


  • Develop the best researchers in the sub region by providing high quality scholarship and fellowship opportunities at pre-doctoral, doctoral and post-doctoral levels.
  • Provide the training that is essential to the Unit delivering excellent science safely and ethically.  
  • Enable staff to develop essential competencies through value-adding professional qualifications.
  • Develop training strategies, materials, courses and workshops to build staff capability and capacity.
  • Nurture and strengthen national, regional and international training partnerships for mutual benefit.
  • Help The Gambia develop its research capacity and support Gambians to become inspirational and transformational leaders.