

Training strategy

The Unit鈥檚 research training strategy is aligned to its research requirements, with the aim to build the required human resources for world鈥恈lass medical research in The Gambia and sub鈥怱aharan Africa. The training strategy is enabling the achievement of competent skills, knowledge and leadership to underpin internationally competitive science. The provision of training is implemented through four strategic approaches.


Developing talents through supported pathways

This aims to identify talents, mainly Gambians, as early as possible to employ as interns or technical staff. This form of training improves the laboratory science, research support (e.g. proficiencies in biomedical sciences, medical statistics, genomics, biomedical engineering, biochemistry, bioinformatics, etc.) and clinical support (e.g. radiography and clinical trials). This is complemented by the technical and research support skills development.

Technical and research support skills development programme

This approach provides, on a competitive basis, core funding support for short鈥恡erm specialised skilled training. It covers all aspects of training for support staff, ranging from certified project management, purchasing, health and safety, grant management to bio鈥恇anking, data science, etc. 

Researcher leadership and development programme

This programme was developed to support the award and improvement of PhD training of African scientists through the BEST model (Broadening the Experience in Scientific Training); and to support post鈥恉octoral fellowships that permit access to skills development courses and resources, guidance on initiating early mentorship and providing support for personal development plans. 

Sub鈥恟egional and international capacity strengthening Initiatives

These initiatives are carried out in collaboration with other academic partners in sub鈥怱aharan Africa and in the UK/Europe. They provide opportunities for research leadership development through access to specific skills, postgraduate and post-doctoral training. 

These initiatives are exclusively funded by external grants and include: 

  • EDCTP funded West African Node of Excellence on TB, AIDS, and Malaria (WANETAM 鈥 of which the Head of Training is the deputy coordinator)
  • Several projects of the Welcome Trust鈥恌unded DELTAS Programme (Developing Excellence in Leadership, Training and Science Initiative)
  • Collaboration with UK Institutions such as the Sanger Institute International MPhil Genomic Science programme
  • GCRF鈥恌unded Crick African Network Programme for the Accelerated African Leadership Post鈥恉octoral fellowship


The governance of the training programmes is supported by three different committees:

  • Higher Degrees Committee (HDC): Evaluates MPhil and PhD candidate applications and reviews successes and needs.
  • Training and Scholarship Award Committee
  • LSHTM Short Course Committee: Coordinates the LSHTM short courses that are held in The Gambia such as The Essentials of Clinical Trials and The Introduction to Epidemiology and Medical Statistics courses.
  • Staff Personal Development Committee: Oversees general and soft skills training policy.

The operations and management of all training activities are guided by developed policies e.g. PhD training policy, lab staff career policy, Post-PhD career development policy, internship policy, general skills development policy, and honorary appointment policy to encourage collaborating scientists at various levels to associate with research and mentorship programmes of the Unit.